Sunday, October 25, 2009

View from the West Gate

After his death on January 20, 1556, Humayun's body was first buried in his palace in Delhi, thereafter it was taken to Sirhind, in Punjab by Khanjar Beg, there in 1558, it was seen by his son, then Mughal Emperor, Akbar, who also visited the final resting place of his father, when it was about to be completed in 1571.
The tomb of Humayun was built by the orders of Hamida Banu Begum, Humayun's widow starting in 1562, nine years after his death, at a cost of 15 lakh rupees (1.5 million) at the time. At many places she is confused with another royal, Haji Begum, though according to Ain-i-Akbari, a 16th century detailed document written during the reign of Akbar, Haji Begum was the daughter of brother of Humayun's mother, and was later in life was put in charge of the tomb.

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